fourth of july

vienna by night

vienna by night

vienna by night

vienna by night


JON said...

Every photo you've posted since your "walk a day" routine has been really, really brilliant. Clearly, going out everyday has been great practice, and I applaud your thoughtfulness of method.

The photo that really sticks out for me is the third one down (B/W city through many street signs, and poles).
I used to live in Chicago and that picture brings back a lot of memories of walking alone through a city at night.

Very inspiring work, man. Good luck!

a guy in a gorilla suit said...

thanks !

keeping up the routine is quite demanding, but also rewarding. And a good exercise in "training" the willpower. Getting my stuff done without stressing me and stuff.

And thanks for your kind words - this really pushes me forward, encourages me.

and talking about inspiration - your logos are really something else ! all the best for your projects too !!!

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